The second method is inquiry learning. I like this method because it reminds me of the scientific method. The students don't just learn, they research and find new things out to further their learning. Some students can't just learn from a two hour lecture, they need more. I always liked investigating more on the subject a teacher was teaching and I think students nowadays would enjoy it too.
The third method I enjoyed reading about was Active learning. I really like this concept because children like hands-on and there needs to be more hands on activities for them to do. The school I work at has the child play computer games for math, reading, or writing, but it's engaging them by making them answer the questions to move on. The children ask to play these games when we have tech time and its great to me.
This chapter presented some amazing methods for teaching and I enjoyed it more then most chapter for my other classes. The three methods that I presented I will one day be using in my classroom to engage my students.
Blog #C by cayw - ToonDoo - World's fastest way to create cartoons! (Blog #C by cayw - ToonDoo - World's fastest way to create cartoons!)
Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
Wordle - blog#c (Wordle - blog#c)
I like that you are constantly focusing in on ways you can best address individual student needs with regards to instruction and assessment. Your comic strip (ToonDoo) is fantastic and demonstrates your understanding of that particular topic Imagine how powerful that could be with our students. Nice work! :)
ReplyDeleteBeing a believer of active and inquiry-based learning, it is difficult to not agree with the concepts you highlight. It is so critical to find applicable ways to reach our students - without engagement, it is difficult for learning to occur. :( I like your focus on these topics. Nice Wordle, too.