Saturday, May 2, 2015

Final: Reflective Post

There isn't anything that I would end up changing in this course. All the material was presented perfectly and I learned more then I expected. If people asked me whether to take this class or not, I would say "YES!" The professor is very understanding and works towards the students getting everything needed out of the course while helping where it is needed.

I feel that all the learning outcomes that were stated in the syllabus were met. I learning so much about becoming a great teacher and using technology to help me accomplish that goal. With technology growing in todays world, teachers always have to be on their toes and changing with what is going on around them.

From this course I also feel more comfortable working with other students in online classes. I didn't think that I would really like doing online projects because not everyone is on at the same time and it's hard to communicate. After doing the projects on here, I realized group projects for online classes are better then in classroom ones. You have a chance to prove that some of the students didn't help at all or try contacting the group, while also showing how everyone did help.

I really enjoyed this class and I would take it again if I had to. Thank you professor for this experience!

Ward, C. (2015, May 2). Sign In. Retrieved May 2, 2015, from
Final: Reflective Post - Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires